
Create an account with SERPHouse and Once you confirm your email, you will be able to see an API key on your account dashboard.


The API key for SERPHouse API is available after registration and confirming a email.

In our documentation, We will refer to the API key by using the following syntax:<YOUR_API_KEY>

Passing the API key as a parameter is required in order to authorise your requests. Failing to pass an API key or passing an invalid API key will result in an error.

Attention required! Please note that your API key will directly impact the usage on your subscription plan.

In order to prevent unauthorized access to your SERPHouse account, make sure you store your API key in a secure location and never include it in any public scripts or files.

Authentication Examples

A Bearer Token is set in the Authorization header of every HTTP Request. For example:

POST /serp/live HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <KEY>
Content-Type: application/json

Alternatevely, Our API allows to authenticate by passing api_token as a query string in every HTTP request. See example below

GET /location/search?q=united&type=google&api_token=<KEY> HTTP/1.1

Example response

    "status": "error",
    "msg": "Unauthenticated"

Last updated